College Admissions Workshops

In partnership with we are offering small group, near-peer tutoring with curricula developed by admissions counselors at Coalition schools., founded by Sal Khan of Khan Academy, is a free, online tutoring platform that offers small-group tutoring sessions in a variety of subjects including our college admissions workshops.

Get help or help learners with

The Essay

This workshop on The Essay is a virtual 4-week workshop designed to provide you with structure and support to write your college essays.

The Application

This workshop on The Application is a virtual 2-week workshop that will provide you with information and support to submit your college applications.

Value for all


  • Learn strategies for the college application process

  • Create accountability with structured time to make progress on your application

  • Receive personalized assistance and feedback

  • Get help polishing and finalizing your college applications


  • Share strategies for the college application process

  • Give accountability and structured time to learners to make progress on their applications

  • Provide personalized assistance and feedback

  • Help students polish and finalize their college applications

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