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Finding a Fit at Large Public Schools

You’ve likely heard that the size of a school is one important factor for finding a college that’s a good fit for you. If you’re curious whether a campus with more than 15,000 students is a good match for you, come learn about a few of the large, public schools that are Coalition members and how they support their students.  

Featuring: Florida State University, Penn State, University of Arizona, University of Georgia

Please note that Coalition schools may be in touch with you following the event based on the information you provide here.


Event recording

This session will be recorded, and we’ll share the link to the recording to the email address you use to register.

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This event begins at 8 p.m. Eastern | 7 p.m. Central | 6 p.m. Mountain | 5 p.m. Pacific

October 19

Texas Two Step—Santa Fe

October 27

Completing the FAFSA | Completando la FAFSA