All About Testing


Standardized tests can play a crucial role in the college admissions process for some colleges and may not play a role at all for others. In this recording, you'll hear admissions counselors answer questions about planning and preparing to take the ACT or the SAT, whether to submit test scores to test-optional schools, and more.

Featuring admissions counselors from: Bates College, Drexel University, Washington University in St. Louis and Wesleyan University.

Please note: Spanish captions are available for this recording. Click on the gear icon at the bottom of the video, and in the settings, select the language for the captions. | Hay subtítulos en español disponibles para esta grabación. Haga clic en el ícono de ajustes en la parte inferior del video y, en la configuración, seleccione el idioma para los subtítulos.


Behind the Scenes of the Admissions Committee


The College Essay