Getting a Job in High School


Whether it’s to save for college, contribute to your family, or earn extra money for your own needs, you may be considering getting a job as a high school student. Beyond the financial benefits, you’ll also be building a résumé of experiences that could become part of your college applications.

“I love to see when students report work” as part of their list of activities and experiences on their college application, says Matt Bonser, director of admissions at Colorado College. “Frankly, it gives us an insight around (a student’s) needs and development and the responsibility that they're taking on, especially within their family. That can be really powerful as part of their story.”

Need help getting started with the job search process? Get Schooled, a national non-profit dedicated to helping young people get to college, find first jobs, and succeed in both, offers great advice on finding employment as a high school student.

Check out their tips on finding a job, including this video on job search tips for 14 & 15-year-olds:


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